
17 May, 2011

A cheat sheet for … jQuery ?

And now for something completely different … a man with three buttocks … okay, so maybe not THAT different.

It’s not C# or .Net, though.  It is, however, something that many ASP.Net developers will run across – jQuery.

Long story short – I’ve created a new jQuery cheat sheet in two versions (A4 and Letter).  If you want the long story, read on.  If you don’t then just grab your copy and let me know if you find it helpful.

16 May, 2011

The code so far…

For anybody who’s actually been reading and is interested I’ve uploaded a ZIP file containing the Visual Studio project with all the code from the blog so far.  I’ll aim to keep it up to date with future code on a semi-regular basis.

Anyway, if you want it you can get it here.