A kind commenter on my last post (thanks Matt) told me about an alternative to my Max/Min implementation. The .NET framework includes a class library called LINQ (Language INtegrated Query). In looking through the MSDN library I had seen this mentioned, but figured it had something to do with database queries. I was partly right, but it turns out that LINQ is far more, and allows an alternate solution to Prashant's second exercise.
The System.Linq
namespace includes classes with methods to query any object that implements the IEnumerable interface. This means that an Array can be queried, just as a database table can be. I’ll discuss this a bit more in a minute, but right now here is the solution from last post rewritten to use LINQ.
1: using System;
2: using System.Linq;
4: class MainClass
5: {
6: static ulong Fibonacci1(uint n)
7: {
8: switch (n)
9: {
10: case 0:
11: return 0;
12: case 1:
13: return 1;
14: default:
15: ulong fN = 1, fNMinusTwo, fNMinusOne = 0;
16: while (n > 1)
17: {
18: fNMinusTwo = fNMinusOne;
19: fNMinusOne = fN;
20: fN = fNMinusTwo + fNMinusOne;
21: n--;
22: }
23: return fN;
24: }
25: }
27: static ulong Fibonacci2(uint n, ulong nMinusOne = 1, ulong nMinusTwo = 0)
28: {
29: switch (n)
30: {
31: case 0:
32: return nMinusTwo;
33: case 1:
34: return nMinusOne;
35: default:
36: return Fibonacci2(n - 1, nMinusOne + nMinusTwo, nMinusOne);
37: }
38: }
40: static void Swap<T>(ref T var1, ref T var2) {
41: T tempVar = var1;
42: var1 = var2;
43: var2 = tempVar;
44: }
46: static void Main()
47: {
48: Console.WriteLine("Fibonacci series");
49: for (uint index = 0; index <= 10; index++)
50: {
51: Console.WriteLine("F(" + index.ToString() + ")\t" + Fibonacci1(index).ToString() + "\t" + Fibonacci2(index).ToString());
52: }
54: Console.WriteLine ("\nSwapping int Variables");
55: int a = 5;
56: int b = 10;
57: Console.WriteLine("Before:\tA=" + a.ToString() + "\tB=" + b.ToString());
58: Swap(ref a, ref b);
59: Console.WriteLine("Before:\tA=" + a.ToString() + "\tB=" + b.ToString());
61: Console.WriteLine("\nSwapping char Variables");
62: char c = 'C';
63: char d = 'D';
64: Console.WriteLine("Before:\tC=" + c.ToString() + "\tD=" + d.ToString());
65: Swap(ref c, ref d);
66: Console.WriteLine("Before:\tC=" + c.ToString() + "\tD=" + d.ToString());
68: int[] integerArray = { 15, 4, 76, 53, 25, 63 };
69: Console.Write("\nArray = {");
70: for (uint index = 0; index < integerArray.Count(); Console.Write(" " + integerArray[index++].ToString() + ","));
71: Console.WriteLine("\b }");
72: Console.WriteLine("Maximum = " + integerArray.Max().ToString());
73: Console.WriteLine("Minimum = " + integerArray.Min().ToString());
74: }
75: }
Notice that the Min and Max methods are gone. Instead, the array is queried directly, using what appears to be a method of the Array. In actual fact Max()
and Min()
are extension methods provided by the System.Linq.Enumerable class. The using System.Linq;
statement in line 2 brings these extension methods, and many others, into scope so they can be used directly from the array object.
Matt also pointed me to Microsoft’s Capitalization Conventions for use in developing class libraries. I’ve renamed some of the variables and parameters in this solution to adhere to these conventions.
More on Extension Methods
To quote the C# Programming Guide in MSDN:
Extension methods enable you to "add" methods to existing types without creating a new derived type, recompiling, or otherwise modifying the original type. Extension methods are a special kind of static method, but they are called as if they were instance methods on the extended type. For client code written in C# and Visual Basic, there is no apparent difference between calling an extension method and the methods that are actually defined in a type.
An extension method is basically a static method, but the first parameter identifies the type that the method extends, and is preceded by the this
keyword. So the Max()
method used above is defined as follows:
public static int Max( this IEnumerable<int> source )
This means that this method is usable on any type that implements IEnumerable<int>, and there are versions of this extension method for each of the other numeric types, as well as a generic one in which you can specify a comparison method.
I’ll leave that here for now. Next time I’ll address Prashant’s third exercise.
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