
15 September, 2010

Exercise 6 (part 2) – When is a class not a class?

It’s been a while, but I’ve finally found some time to post again.  In my last post I showed the basic structure of a DLL for the engine of an RPN Calculator in response to Prashant’s 6th exercise.  In this post I’ll start to look at the details.

The first class I’ll look at is not actually a class – it’s a struct.  In C# structs are simliar to classes, but there are some very important differences.  I’ll look at te differences in more detail at the end of the post, but for now lets look at the InputLine struct.  This struct models the line on the calculator display that accepts entry of numbers from the calculator keyboard.  Here’s the code, with some comments.

   1:  namespace LearningCSharp
   2:  {
   3:      public partial class RPNCalculatorEngine
   4:      {
   5:          protected struct InputLine
   6:          {

The declaration of a struct is similar to that of a class.  The protected keyword limits access to this struct to the code of the containing class, and any classes derived from it.

   7:              private string _mantissa;
   8:              private bool _isNegative;
   9:              private string _exponent;
  10:              private bool _expIsNegative;
  11:              private bool _inExponent;
  12:              private bool _isActive;

The content, and state of the input line are modelled by these fields. Because the fields are declared private, they are only accessible within the InputLine struct.

  14:              public bool IsActive { get { return _isActive; } }

This code creates property called IsActive. This property allows code using the struct to access the _isActive field.  Because the property only defines a get accessor, the access in read-only.  Properties can also define a set accessor to allow right access to the property.

  16:              public override string ToString()
  17:              {
  18:                  string mantissa = (_isNegative ? "-" : "") + _mantissa;
  19:                  string exponent = _inExponent ? "e" + (_expIsNegative ? "-" : "+") + _exponent : "";
  20:                  return mantissa + exponent;
  21:              }

All classes and structs in C# ultimately derive from the object class, so they all inherit the ToString() method.  The above code overrides the method defined by object (hence the override keyword) and returns a string representation of the content of the input line.

  23:              public double ToDouble()
  24:              {
  25:                  return double.Parse(this.ToString());
  26:              }

The input line also needs to be accessed as a double so the calculator can add it to the calculation stack.

  28:              public void Clear()
  29:              {
  30:                  _mantissa = null;
  31:                  _exponent = null;
  32:                  _isNegative = false;
  33:                  _expIsNegative = false;
  34:                  _inExponent = false;
  35:                  _isActive = false;
  36:              }

The Clear method resets the input line to its default starting values.  The AddChar method below is the core of the input line struct.  It takes an input character and processes it, adding it to the input string, or updating the state of the input line as needed.  It returns true if the character is valid and was used, or false otherwise.

  38:              public bool AddChar(char inputCharacter)
  39:              {
  40:                  if (inputCharacter >= '0' && inputCharacter <= '9')
  41:                  {
  42:                      if (_inExponent)
  43:                      {
  44:                          _exponent += inputCharacter;
  45:                      }
  46:                      else
  47:                      {
  48:                          _mantissa += inputCharacter;
  49:                      }
  50:                  }
  51:                  else
  52:                  {
  53:                      switch (inputCharacter)
  54:                      {
  55:                          case '.':
  56:                              if (!_inExponent && !_mantissa.Contains("."))
  57:                              {
  58:                                  _mantissa += inputCharacter;
  59:                              }
  60:                              break;
  62:                          case '_':
  63:                              if (_inExponent)
  64:                              {
  65:                                  _expIsNegative = !_expIsNegative;
  66:                              }
  67:                              else if (_isActive)
  68:                              {
  69:                                  _isNegative = !_isNegative;
  70:                              }
  71:                              else
  72:                              {
  73:                                  return false;
  74:                              }
  75:                              break;
  77:                          case 'E':
  78:                              _inExponent = true;
  79:                              break;
  81:                          case '\b':
  82:                              if (_inExponent)
  83:                              {
  84:                                  if (_exponent.Length > 0)
  85:                                  {
  86:                                      _exponent = _exponent.Remove(_exponent.Length - 1);
  87:                                  }
  88:                                  else
  89:                                  {
  90:                                      _inExponent = false;
  91:                                  }
  92:                                  return true;
  93:                              }
  94:                              else if (_isActive)
  95:                              {
  96:                                  if (_mantissa.Length > 0)
  97:                                  {
  98:                                      _mantissa = _mantissa.Remove(_mantissa.Length - 1);
  99:                                  }
 100:                                  else
 101:                                  {
 102:                                      _isActive = false;
 103:                                      return false;
 104:                                  }
 105:                                  return true;
 106:                              }
 107:                              return false;
 109:                          default:
 110:                              return false;
 111:                      }
 112:                  }
 113:                  _isActive = true;
 114:                  return true;
 115:              }
 116:          }
 117:      }
 118:  }

Now that I’ve briefly described the code of the InputLine struct , we can look at the differences between a struct and a class

The main difference is that classes are reference types, allocated from the heap, whereas structs are value types, allocated from the stack.  Memory allocated from the heap is not initialised before it is used, but memory allocated from the stack has all its bits initialised to 0.  For this reason, when a struct is instantiated using the default parameterless constructor all it’s member fields are set to their type-equivalent of 0.  Strings are set to null, numeric types set to 0, boolean fields set to null, etc.

Another consequence of this difference is that you cannot inherit from a struct, nor can a struct inherit from a reference type.  All structs inherit from System.ValueType.

The other main difference is that, because structs already have a parameterless constructor, you cannot declare a parameterless constructor yourself.  Any constructors written for a struct must have one or more parameters.

I think that will do it for this time.  Next post we’ll look at the classes that define the operations of the calculator and, as a consequence, delegate types.

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